Cream of Tomato

Cooking Recipes Catalogue

This is a milk based soup made with fresh tomatoes and seasoned with oregano, basil and marjoram.

INGREDIENTS (for 4 servings):


  • In a saucepan, heat the tomatoes and cut them in small pieces. (If you use the fresh ones, put the tomatoes into a boiling bath until the peel cracks. Peel them and proceed the same way)
  • Heat the 2 cups of milk in another saucepan.
  • Mix flour, salt, pepper, sugar and 1/4 cup milk in a small dish until smooth. Stir the flour mixture into the simmering milk until it thickens. DO NOT BOIL.
  • Stir the baking soda into the hot tomatoes. When the fizzing slows down, add slowly to the hot milk. Simmer a few minutes, adding basil, oregano, and marjoram to taste.
  • Note: If you want a creamy cream of tomato, you will have to put your tomatoes through a sieve or a food processor before you mix them with the milk.