Syrup for use on pancakes. You can store the syrup in the refrigerator if you intend to use it quickly. To preserve for a longer time, sterilize the jars, pour into the canning jars to within 1/4 inch of lid, adjust lids and process in boiling water cann
INGREDIENTS (for 1 servings):
- 4 cups blackberry juice
- 4 cups white sugar
- 1/3 (2 ounce) package powdered pectin (optional)
Mix the blackberry juice and sugar, bring to a boil. Boil rapidly for 2 minutes. Skim off foam. Pour into HOT sterile jars or bottles.
This makes a thin syrup (like true maple syrup). If you want it slightly thicker, you can add a small amount of powdered pectin (less than half a 2 ounce box) to the cold syrup and sugar mixture.